Drive. Grow. Thrive.
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Welcome to Sparta Consulting, we are Manchester based business consultancy that understands small to medium size businesses challenges . Business owners often lack time or expertise.
We help write and create business plans, projections and pitches to support sales, business grants or venture capital funds to support growth and expansion.
We’re honest, helpful and support you with experienced based advice.​​​​​​
We are specialists so you can trust in our experience in supporting business analysis and offering detailed under the bonnet look at your business.
Did you know that?
82% of businesses that failed cited cash flow problems as a factor in their failure
33% of SME's the greatest challenge is a lack of capital
60% of small businesses are not profitable.*
You can improve the odds by using our services now.
Our methodology is based on proven academic processes such as Business Model Canvas (BMC). This allows us to understand your business and then make recommendations
- What is your USP?
- Your market?
- Technology impacts?
- Who are your customers?
- Delivering value?
- Business model?
- Understanding risks
- Mentoring and support