Cause Period Deaths
COVID-19 2019-2020 120,0000 to date
MERS 2015+ 850
EBOLA 2014-2016 11,000
SWINE FLU 2009-2010 200,000
HIV/AID 2005-2012+ 36 m
SARS 2002-2003 770
HONG KONG FLU 1968-1970 1,00,000
ASIAN FLU 1956-1958 2,000,000
SPANISH FLU 1918-1920 20m-50m
6th CHOLERA PANDEMIC 1910-1911 800,000+
RUSSIAN FLU 1898-1990 1,000,000
YELLOW FEVER late 1802 100,000 to 150,000
THIRD CHOLERA PANDEMIC 1852-1860 1,000,000 plus
ITALIAN PLAGUE 1629-1631 1,000,000
GREAT PLAGUE OF LONDON 1665-1666 200,000
NEW WORLD BLACK PLAGUE 1520-1522 5,600,000
THE BLACK DEATH (THE PLAQUE) 1346-1353 75m to 200m
JAPANESE SMALLPOX 734-737 1,000,000
PLAGUE OF JUSTINIAN 541-542 25m -50m
ANTONINE PLAGUE 165 A.D. 5,000,0000
Many plagues have been missed or forgotten
e.g. Egyptian Plagues mentioned in the bible or those in Latin America
I have also excluded war induced disasters like the Bengal famine, India, in 1943 caused by the British.